Huge selection of CCTV cameras available on the market, and from their proper choice will depend on what you will create on-screen security system. When buying you can rely on a good salesperson and pick camera on his advice basis. But on the other hand, often companies do not sell what client really needs. Instead they would sell surplus and unwanted equipment, and products at more expensive price. If you do not like when you were ripped-off, you will have at least slightly to make sense of what are the surveillance cameras and what parameters they are characterized.

For ease of installation, video surveillance cameras made with different design. Common type of surveillance cameras are conventional cameras. They are installed with brackets on horizontal surfaces such as ceilings. To install security cameras in outdoor, wet locations a protective outdoor housing need to be installed to protect camera from rain and cold weather conditions. CCTV cameras apart from its own primary function, they perform they work as scare away the villain.

Mini compact cameras may have a different shape (cylindrical, oval, rectangular, etc.). Some have size of a cigarette lighter. Often used where necessary to keep the interior design or not lure attention. Open-frame cameras in small sizes that can be embedded in a suitable enclosure. Most often used to conceal the installation, or installation of a thermal compact. Due to lack of housing, such cameras are cheaper than conventional.

Spy cameras often just look like a protection or smoke detector. And used mainly for cover video surveillance. Street cameras are designed for installation in street criteria. These cameras have a sealed enclosure with heater, sun visor, and often only built-in infrared light. The cost of street cameras consistently lower than the cost of similar conventional camera, placed in outdoor housing.

Resolution of a surveillance camera is measured in TV lines (TVL). Considered average resolution 420 TVL, and the highest resolution – 700 TVL. The highest resolution is required when necessary to distinguish small details, for example, license plate, numbers on the bills, the numbers of machines, etc.

Another important factor is light sensitivity (low light). It is measured in Lux and characterizes camera’s ability to “see” in insufficient light conditions. The smaller the Lux on the camera, the better picture gets at night. Black and white cameras have better sensitivity in the dark. Normal sensitivity for black and white cameras is 0.05 Lux, for the color it is 0.5 Lux.

With regard to certain vendors, it is considered that the European, South American and Japanese cameras are better than Asian (China, Korea, etc.). Although, the ratio of cost and quality of Taiwanese cameras is ideal for most suppliers.

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